Saturday, January 3, 2015

Life Book Week 1

I am feeling accomplished.  Last night at about 11:00 p.m. I  pushed aside the clutter in my art studio, sat in the one little section that was cleaned up, and created.  I listened to the videos for week 1 of Life Book and completed the first week assignment.  I did not get to bed until 3:00 a.m. and at 6:00 I was up on a walk.  (HINT HINT LADIES...THE ENFORCER IS FOCUSED....)

Here is my creation

This was my first try at doing these doll like people, which I must confess I do not really like.  However, I am happy that I as able to make her in such a short period of time.  I see a lot of areas to improve, and at one point as I was doing this I thought, "well this is a good practice, tomorrow I will make a "real" one to keep".  I realized that just like I am Luca's "real" mom this is my "real" one.  So, she is a keeper...even with her imperfections...a good lesson for me.  I incorporated my word of the year because she is suppose to be a beacon of light that is suppose to help me throughout the year.  The class used "Trust the journey"  I changed "Find your purpose"...I will do another painting this year with "Honor your purpose".  I hope I can keep up this creative mojo.


  1. Congrats on knocking out a winner. So glad you pushed thru and finished your doll. She is delightful and a great example of working with purpose.

  2. I love it Jacquie and what I love the most is the fact that no only did you CREATE something, you thought through how this fits into your life right now. So proud of you!!!

  3. I actually quite like her, and all the more after getting to know her by reading your description.

  4. I think she is a keeper as well. Fabulous job Jacquie! Thanks for sharing the journey with us.

  5. Love her! And love the way you describe your process even more.
